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Interview Questions Answer ORG is an interview preparation guide of thousands of Job Interview Questions And Answers, Job Interviews are always stressful even for job seekers who have gone on countless interviews. The best way to reduce the stress is to be prepared for your job interview.
Take the time to review the standard interview questions you will most likely be asked. These interview questions and answers on Instrumentation will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the interviews and quickly revise the concepts.
Question # 1
How to write the program for single push button by using Ladder diagram?
1. Create a Push button
2. Connect a Counter series to PB
3. Create a compare button
4. Initialize 1 at one end
5. Counter output in another
6. Connect the Coil which has to be energized
7. Initialize 2 at one end
8. Counter output in another
9. Connect the Coil which has to be reenergized.
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